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I thought for today’s blog post ever do something a little different. I want to introduce a real white label SEO program story that happened over the last week in the hopes that is helpful for other agencies looking to Outsource their SEO to a white label SEO provider. I would suspect that this story is similar too many aspiring entrepreneurs who are looking to get into the search engine optimization business but are not exactly sure how to start.

First a little background on what white label SEO actually is. The idea of Outsourcing SEO is not new and there have been white label SEO reseller programs around since 2007. in 2019 we see a Marketplace full of providers eager to offer your agency the various aspects of search engine optimization operational work for your clients. As an agency owner your job is to find the right team that will be a good fit with your business and lead to a lucrative partnership for the long-term. This can be more confusing and challenging than one might expect. Picking your provider is also done by many agencies in a hurry. This is a huge mistake. Using white label programs means you are Outsourcing a critical portion of your business to another company. For this reason you need to be extra careful in determining what partner can actually meet your expectations and work well with your SEO business.
Now onto the real story to give you contacts on how this process usually unfold.
I got a phone call from a young man, who we will call Al, who said he was interested in entering the SEO business. As is typical I asked for his website address and he said that the website is not quite done as he is just formed his digital marketing business and was not yet ready to launch their website but it would be ready soon. I hear this very often and often the website is never completed. Al lives in Florida and was recently in medical school but decided to drop out because he did not want to incur the huge amount of debt associated with becoming a doctor. However a lot of the way he had developed an interest in internet marketing and was quite convinced he could sell SEO to other doctors, and chiropractors in particular who are in need of boosting their online presence. From this point he decided his career would not be Medical, but would be in digital marketing, exclusively using white label SEO programs. However he was also acutely aware of how little money he had and needed a provider to give him a product to sell because he was not interested nor could he afford to fund his own product development. This is where he turned to White Label SEO.

In the first conversation I asked the usual questions and got to know him and he sounded fairly confident and his oral presentation skills seem to be strong. This is the first assessment I usually make during the white label SEO interview from the perspective of a provider. Has a white label SEO reseller you want to make sure the people who you’re working with can actually sell a product.
The second assessment I mean in this conversation was to find out what kind of opportunities he had to gain business. He had no clients at the moment, and this is also very common when people first call White Label SEO team. They’re often just starting their business and I’m not yet closed any deal. He said he had talked to a few chiropractors and had an appointment next week. I asked what day the appointment was on and then the answer became a little softer as he admitted that the appointment was not firm but he thought it might be Wednesday. This is another clue that I was dealing with someone who is just joining the SEO industry, or was new to business entirely. People tend to overstate things, I know I do it from time to time, but didn’t hold it against him. However it was important to nail down just how real his client opportunity was to make sure we were not waste your time.
Al started to ask me if any questions about the white label SEO service and wanted to know specifics of the various aspects which are common first phone call questions. Who writes the content? How long have you been in business? Can you handle the volume on planning to bring you? How do you build backlinks? What kind of rankings have you accomplished in the past? These are all good questions and we spent an hour going through materials that answered these in detail. In any sales call I believe it’s important to listen carefully and answer all the specific questions from your prospective customer to make sure they have a high level of comfort with the service they’re evaluating. We did this in at the end of the call Al said that the service looked better than the other things he had investigated. However he also said it was slightly more expensive than another white label service he had been talking to. Fair enough.

We agreed that the next step would be for him to pitch his prospect and see if there’s going to be any deal for us to work on. I reconfirmed when the sales pitch was scheduled for and we put something on the calendar to follow up the day after he was to talk to the prospect.
in our second meeting I opened the conversation by asking how the sales pitch went with the chiropractor and whether we would have some SEO business. Al informed me that the meeting was postponed and have not happened. This is common, but also gives me a data point on just how successful this Business Partnership will be. I said that’s okay when was it rescheduled for. He did not have a firm date for when the pitch would happen and the deal was starting to feel soft.
Al pivoted fairly quickly in the conversation to more questions about the white label SEO service and our white label SEO programs. I had anticipated that I was ready to answer the questions so that he felt comfortable. I wanted to understand exactly how he could build a proposal for a chiropractor that would cost them $2,000 a month. We walk through the details of this understood how the partnership was going to work. Specifically he would send $1,000 a month to the White Label SEO team and keep the other thousand dollars at his agency firm. This is a typical Arrangement when using white label SEO Outsourcing. A common markup for products is about 100%. From there he wanted to know what you can get for $1,000 a month. We took a look at the pricing sheet and started to look at plans and various marketing activities so that he can understand the digital marketing output the client would actually see for the retail cost of $2,000 a month.

He also had questions about Facebook and Google ads. He was eager to bundle in paid advertising along with search engine optimization into a single digital marketing package for these chiropractors. I thought that was a pretty good idea but had concerns that he would run out of money if you was going to include the media spend in the $2,000 price tag. We defeated this for a while and I encouraged him to seek a higher price point, at least to start. He was resistant to this which is not uncommon for newer salespeople. Many professionals are very concerned of putting a high price in the table because they are ultimately afraid of rejection and losing the deal. To win business, especially at first, they tend to underpriced their product. b0862eb9t78b
Pricing is an incredibly important component of any white label SEO reseller relationship. When you join a white label SEO program, you should be ready for lengthy discussions of pricing. It is hard! If the sales organization, which is the agency using the white label product, under prices as they pitch deals the whole Arrangement will not go well. This is something most Ferns need to learn through trial and error and can take years to perfect. Pricing is perhaps the most difficult part of any business in any vertical. As you start to Outsource your operations to another firm it gets particularly complicated. Anyone entering into a white label relationship needs to understand this and give particular care to how they price the product and be ready to make changes as they get customer feedback.
That was the last call I had with Al and I’m expecting to hear from him next week after he finally sits down with the chiropractor. I’m hopeful that we will have a financially lucrative white label relationship but at this point I believe the odds are probably 50-50. Like many of the young entrepreneurs I see, how is incredibly enthusiastic and is a really smart guy. But can he really sell SEO to chiropractors? Does he really have the project management abilities to move a sales process all the way to successful closure. After that is he responsive to his customers and able to deliver the customer service and account management that is required to retain SEO clients? I don’t know any of these things at this point so I’m focused only on his ability to sell. Without the ability to close deals none of the rest actually matters. There is no white label SEO program that will be successful without customers. However there’s many other ways that white label SEO partnership could fail and I look forward to giving you those updates as that information is revealed to me over the upcoming weeks. b0862eb9t78b
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